
What Is Coronary Artery Disease?

Coronary artery disease (CAD) occurs when fatty deposits, known as plaque, build up in the heart’s arteries and restrict blood flow. In extreme cases, the arteries can become completely blocked, resulting in stroke, heart attack, or heart failure. Typically, coronary artery disease develops over time, with symptoms not showing up for years, which is why […]

How High Blood Pressure Damages Your Heart, and What You Can Do

High blood pressure affects nearly half of all U.S. adults, but only one in four individuals with this chronic condition have it under control. When not treated, high blood pressure can damage the heart and increase the risk for complications, including heart attack and stroke, among many others. If you learn that your blood pressure […]

Vascular Specialists vs Cardiologists

When you have a health condition related to your circulatory system, it can be hard to understand which medical specialist can provide the most support. Two common clinician types that help patients facing circulatory conditions are cardiologists and vascular specialists. Here’s what you need to know about the difference between the two. What Is a […]

A blonde doctor explains details about a pacemaker to an elderly patient in an examination room

Pacemaker or Defibrillator: What’s the Difference?

If you have been diagnosed with an arrhythmia, it means your heart beats at a pace that is faster than typical, slower than typical, or with a different pattern than is typical. An arrhythmia can sometimes be corrected with medications. However, many arrhythmias may benefit from an implanted medical device, such as a pacemaker or […]

A photo of the team at The Center for Atrial Fibrillation and Electrophysiology, including Meaghan Brown, Laurie Marinaro Pascale, Dr. Andrew Rudnick and Dr. Gautam Verma

Dr. Rudnick Named Jersey Choice Top Doctor

Hunterdon Cardiovascular Associates (HCA) is proud to announce that Dr. Andrew Rudnick has been named a 2024 New Jersey Choice Top Doctor. Dr. Rudnick is a cardiac electrophysiologist and leader of the team at The Center for Atrial Fibrillation and Electrophysiology at HCA. He is the current president of the medical staff at Hunterdon Medical […]

A closeup of a form listing results for a lipid profile

Dyslipidemia: Cholesterol and Heart Health

Dyslipidemia refers to lipid imbalances in the bloodstream. It can lead to cardiovascular complications when not treated, including heart attack and stroke. Fortunately, this condition can be effectively managed to reduce your risk for its related problems. Here’s a closer look at the link between dyslipidemia and heart health, and how to request an appointment […]

A blonde woman jogging in pleasant weather outdoors

Valvular Heart Disease and Risk: Lifestyle Changes That Help

Heart disease is a broad term that encompasses many different conditions. One specific group of heart diseases is known as “valvular disease.” Here’s what you need to know about valvular heart disease, as well as how certain lifestyle habits can reduce your chances of ever developing this condition. What is Valvular Heart Disease? Valvular heart […]

Carotid Artery Disease

Carotid Artery Disease: Mitigating the Risk of a Stroke

An estimated 30% of strokes are caused by blockages in the carotid artery. Understanding the causes of carotid artery disease may help you reduce your risk for stroke—especially if you already meet other risk factors. Here’s a closer look at risk factors and treatments for carotid artery disease and how to contact Hunterdon Cardiovascular Associates […]

A dark skinned man with a short beard in distress, holding his heart while outside

Cardiomyopathy: Knowing What Symptoms to Watch For

Cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscle in which the heart experiences difficulty with pumping blood. It affects an estimated one in 500 U.S. adults and requires prompt treatment to reduce the risk of complications, including systolic heart failure and cardiac arrest. Systolic heart failure occurs when the heart does not pump blood effectively […]

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