About: dmiasoiedov@pointsgroup.com

Posts by dmiasoiedov@pointsgroup.com:

Four adults smiling while jogging together in pleasant weather.

HCA Walk With A Doc Events Are Back For 2024!

Hunterdon Cardiovascular Associates is excited to announce that our Walk with a Doc events are back this spring! We are proud to have been part of this international initiative for six years, inviting patients to add exercise to their healthy heart regimen while having the opportunity to have their questions answered by our physicians. HCA […]

An elderly Asian couple jogging together in sunny weather

Why You Need to Know How to Prevent Heart Disease

Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. Fortunately, it is also largely preventable, which means you have the power to keep you and your loved ones safe. At Hunterdon Cardiovascular Associates (HCA), we don’t just help patients treat and manage heart disease—we help them avoid developing it in the first place […]

Two hands from separate people coming together to touch and form a "heart" sign

Tips for Heart Health: Self-Care

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the U.S., where one person dies every 33 seconds from this serious condition. Fortunately, it is possible to prevent heart disease, even if you meet certain risk factors for it. Taking good care of your heart is easier than you may think, especially if you’re […]

A doctor checking a patient's blood pressure seen from the shoulders down

What Is High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is an extremely common medical condition. In fact, the odds are that you either know someone who has high blood pressure, or you have the condition yourself. Understanding more about high blood pressure and how to manage it can help keep you healthy over the long term. What […]

Exercise with Heart Conditions

Heart in Motion: Mastering Exercise with Heart Conditions

Exercising regularly is one of the best things you can do if you have a heart condition. Exercise can strengthen your heart muscle and help you manage your blood pressure, glucose, and cholesterol. It can also help you lose excess weight. Here’s a brief guide to mastering exercise with heart conditions and requesting an appointment […]

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