Coronary artery disease (CAD) occurs when fatty deposits, known as plaque, build up in the heart’s arteries and restrict blood flow. In extreme cases, the arteries can become completely blocked, resulting in stroke, heart attack, or heart failure. Typically, coronary artery disease develops over time, with symptoms not showing up for years, which is why […]
Cardiac ablation is a treatment for heart rhythm problems called arrhythmias. Knowing what to expect from cardiac ablation can help you make the necessary preparations and relieve concerns about this procedure. What Is Cardiac Ablation? Cardiac ablation is a blanket term used to describe many procedures that treat heart arrhythmias. This treatment involves using hot […]
Hunterdon Cardiovascular Associates (HCA) is proud to announce that Dr. Yaser Elnahar was named a New Jersey Choice Top Doctor for 2022. For this year’s list of Top Doctors, New Jersey Monthly enlisted the help of Leflein Associates to conduct an independent survey to find out who are the top doctors. A total of 25,431 […]
At Hunterdon Cardiovascular Associates (HCA), our highly qualified physicians are recognized daily by patients and their families alike for delivering the highest quality of comprehensive care. The caliber of HCA’s physicians has been recognized recently by NJ TopDocs, an exclusive and trusted healthcare resource that systemically reviews the merit of healthcare providers in New Jersey. […]
When dealing with matters of the heart, you want to know that you are putting your health in the hands of experts. The heart specialists at Hunterdon Cardiovascular Associates (HCA) are devoted to helping you preserve the health of your heart and blood vessels over the long term and also helping you live well and […]
If told that you need a pacemaker, it can be intimidating. You may be concerned about undergoing a pacemaker placement procedure or living with a permanent medical device. However, pacemakers are extraordinary tools that help support your heartbeat and keep you living well and enjoying a high quality of life. Here’s what you need to […]
Cardiomyopathy is a common type of heart disease. It affects an estimated one in 500 U.S. adults, though its prevalence may be higher given how this condition often goes undiagnosed, says the CDC. Knowing the signs and symptoms can help you determine whether it’s time to see your doctor. Here’s more about different types of […]
Dyslipidemia can often be effectively managed with medications and a healthy lifestyle, but if left untreated can have negative effects on your heart health. Here’s more about the link between dyslipidemia and heart health, and how to contact Hunterdon Cardiovascular Associates (HCA) when you’re ready for an evaluation and treatment. What Is Dyslipidemia? Dyslipidemia refers […]
You may be familiar with the term hypertension, but you may not know exactly what the diagnosis implies. At Hunterdon Cardiovascular Associates (HCA), we strive to provide clear and comprehensive education to our patients and their families. Hypertension is very common in the United States, with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) […]
Hunterdon Cardiovascular Associates is excited to announce that we are resuming our Walk with a Doc events! We are proud to have been part of this international initiative for four years, inviting patients to add exercise to their healthy heart regimen while having the opportunity to have their questions answered by our physicians. HCA physicians […]
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For patient safety reasons, we would like to inform you that this is a general mailbox unintended for medical purposes. If you have questions or concerns regarding medications, symptoms, or health related issues, please contact our office directly at (908) 788-1710.