Category Archives: The Vein Institute of Hunterdon

Taking Care of Those Varicose Veins

At Hunterdon Cardiovascular, we also offer other areas of specialization, such as our Faint and Fall Center. Since we’re concerned with your heart and how it’s sending blood throughout your body, another area of specialization is The Vein Institute of Hunterdon, where we offer various vein procedures such as ambulatory phlebectomy. Ambulatory phlebectomy is used […]

factors that contribute to vein problems

These Are the Factors that Contribute to Vein Problems

As much as any other part of the body, we need our veins to work well. The system of arteries, veins, and capillaries that span the body provide a vital function, holding the blood that travels to all organs and tissues. Without functioning veins, problems occur. Varicose veins and spider veins are among the most […]

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