Category Archives: Cardiac Device/Electrophysiology Clinic

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Cardiac Ablation: What to Expect Before, During, and After

Cardiac ablation is a treatment for heart rhythm problems called arrhythmias. Knowing what to expect from cardiac ablation can help you make the necessary preparations and relieve concerns about this procedure. What Is Cardiac Ablation? Cardiac ablation is a blanket term used to describe many procedures that treat heart arrhythmias. This treatment involves using hot […]


Types of Pacemakers

If told that you need a pacemaker, it can be intimidating. You may be concerned about undergoing a pacemaker placement procedure or living with a permanent medical device. However, pacemakers are extraordinary tools that help support your heartbeat and keep you living well and enjoying a high quality of life. Here’s what you need to […]

Cardiac Ablation to Get Your Rhythm Back

When most people think about their heart, they have difficulty understanding how destroying some of the tissue in the heart can actually be helpful. This is a natural reaction when we tell a patient that cardiac ablation may be necessary to correct their abnormal heart rhythm. We perform different types of ablation in our Electrophysiology […]

Keeping Pace with the Smallest Pacemaker

Pacemakers once were novel and rare methods for addressing arrhythmia and other abnormal heart rates, but today they are quite common and they continue to become more sophisticated. At Hunterdon Cardiovascular Associates, we’ve taken the next step in pacemakers by offering the Medtronic Micra® Transcatheter Pacing System. This is a fully self-contained pacemaker that is 93% […]

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