Advance Directives

Hunterdon Cardiovascular Associates is committed to ensuring our patient’s wishes are met regarding medical treatment and healthcare decisions. It is important to discuss your healthcare wishes and Advance Directives with your loved ones or healthcare proxy rather than after an emergent event has occurred.

Please review and complete one of the forms below and bring it to your next appointment (A comprehensive long form or an easy to fill out version are attached).

  • A copy will be provided to you.
  • Please note that your Advance Directive can be updated or changed at any time.
  • If you do update or change your form, please provide our office with a new copy.

Thank you.

    Advanced Directives-short                   Advanced Directives-Long

*IMPORTANT* You will need two witnesses to sign the bottom of the signature form (By law, it cannot be anyone in a health care practice).

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Please note this website is NOT monitored by clinical staff. If you are experiencing any cardiac symptoms. Please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.


For patient safety reasons, we would like to inform you that this is a general mailbox unintended for medical purposes. If you have questions or concerns regarding medications, symptoms, or health related issues, please contact our office directly at (908) 788-1710.