Category Archives: Coronary Artery Calcium Test

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When to Consider a CAC Test

Knowing if you have extra calcium in your arteries is an important part of your cardiovascular health. Not only can it identify risks to your heart health, but it can also help you and your doctor effectively plan the appropriate treatments. A coronary artery calcium (CAC) test can help determine whether you are at risk […]

  • Posted on: Aug 16 2021
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How Much Calcium is in Your Arteries?

At Hunterdon Cardiovascular Associates, the health of your heart is our sole focus. One good way to ascertain potential problems is measuring the amount of calcium in your arteries. Calcium is usually delivered in the cholesterol plaque that you’ve probably heard of. To measure the amount of calcium in your arteries we use the coronary […]

Hedging Your Bets with a Coronary Artery Calcium Test

When it comes to the health of your heart, at Hunterdon Cardiovascular Associates, we often believe the best offense is a pro-active defense. By that we mean we look to diagnose problems before they become full cardiovascular events. One of the tools we use is the coronary artery calcium test, also known as a coronary […]

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